The KSW Blog

Check out hundreds of skin-loving
anti-inflammatory recipes and in-depth articles on the root causes of acne.

to the KSW Blog


tackling body acne

Acne Root Causes, Podcast, Skincare

For some women, acne isn’t limited to the face; tackling body acne also requires a holistic root cause approach.

Acne & Gut Issues | Katie Stewart Wellness Reviews

Acne Root Causes, Gut Health

Samantha’s journey involved both acne and gut health issues. Check out more Katie Stewart Wellness Reviews.

Acne Root Causes, Detox Organs, Podcast

Listen to part 2 of our Detox for Your Skin series – this episode is all about Lymphatics’ Role in Combating Acne. 

detox foods for liver and gallbalder

Acne Root Causes, Detox Organs, Podcast

In this episode, we dive deep into how to detox your skin and the importance of the gallbladder and liver in acne-clearing.

women applying cream to her skin to support her skin barrier

Skin Care, Skincare

Your skin, a vital barrier that maintains homeostasis, also indicates internal imbalances affecting its appearance.

Tracey Reed from Histamine Haven

Acne Root Causes, Podcast

In this episode, we share tips for a healthy summer, including BBQs, dietary restrictions, and safe sun exposure for vitamin D.

3 women barbecuing a health meal

Lifestyle, Podcast, Recipes

In this episode, we share tips for a healthy summer, including BBQs, dietary restrictions, and safe sun exposure for vitamin D.

Seeds on white counter show casing seed cycling for acne.

Acne Root Causes, Hormones

Harness the power of seed cycling for acne to naturally support hormone balance and enhance detoxification for clear, healthy skin.

Dr. William Davis

Acne Root Causes, Gut Health, Podcast

Dr. William Davis discusses the gut-brain-skin axis, microbiome restoration, dietary changes, and antibiotic impacts on skin health.

pink clock on plate

Acne Root Causes, Podcast

We explore the nutrition trend, intermittent fasting and the pros and cons of the method and it’s effects on acne and skin health.

I’m Katie

I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist specializing in helping women with chronic acne clear their skin from the inside out.


After years of dealing cystic breakouts, I cleared up my skin for good by fixing my gut, liver and hormones. I went back to school for nutrition and then said seeya later to my job in television. I launched an online nutrition business (before working from home was a thing) so I could help as many women as possible feel confident AF in their own skin, too.


Let's finally get you back to clear, glowing skin.

Acne goes deeper than just the surface—it's a sign of internal imbalances. That’s why prescriptions, medicated creams, and high-end facials don’t deliver lasting results. True skin clarity comes from an inside-out approach, and we're here to support you every step of the way.



"I just wanted to let you know that this program works!!!

I have never struggled with acne but then I turned 21 and then I broke out all over my fave. I never wanted to go anywhere and didn't want to talk to anybody. I became very depressed and angry. There were times I wanted to quit the program because I felt like nothing was working! By the grace of God, He got me through and I am healed! I just wanted to encourage everyone to keep going!!! You got this! Don't give up! Good things are coming!"

-Lyndsay P.

"Nine months ago I signed up for CSS since my wedding was coming up.

I'm here to tell you that hard work and dedication to your future self WORKS! All I wanted on my wedding day was for clear skin. And when I woke up on my wedding day in August, I can truly say that my skin never looked better."

- Sabrina H.

"My skin.

It's so clear it's unreal.
Biggest gain!!!"

- Hannah M.

"I actually enjoy the look of my face with less make-up."

 I used to wear a lot of powder and concealer to cover the break out areas, as well as to hide my scars. Both my breakouts and scars are lessening in amount and redness!!

-Nicole B.

Before & Afters

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love

