The KSW Blog

Healthy ginger beef stir fry in a white bowl with chop sticks.
June 18, 2019

Healthy Ginger Beef Stir-Fry

Healthy Ginger Beef

I can’t take all the credit for this Healthy Ginger Beef recipe. It’s actually my mom’s recipe that I’ve tweaked. Our entire family loves it! It only takes about 45 mins from start to finish.

Making a large amount of the beef marinade allows for the remaining liquid to be used as a sweet and tangy sauce. While I used bell peppers, carrots, and onions as the vegetables in the ginger beef stir fry, you can use anything you have on hand. I also make this same recipe with broccoli, snap peas, and bok choy.

Do you eat meat?

This is probably the question I get asked most often. While most of my diet is plant-based, I do also eat animal proteins. Since I eat much less meat, I choose high-quality options when I do. Grass-fed* and finished beef is what I usually opt for. This means the animals were fed a diet of grass instead of grains/corn for 100% of their life. Remember, you are what your food eats. If they are eating genetically modified corn, so are you. Grass-fed beef also contains more nutrients than its grain-fed counterpart.

*You may find my blog, The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Food Labels, helpful.


An ancient remedy, Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial to a wide range of ailments.

I try to incorporate ginger every day whether it’s in food, supplement, or essential oil form. The gentle spiciness of ginger works well in both savoury and sweet recipes.

Healthy Ginger Beef Stir-Fry

Flavourful stir fry that's both sweet and tangy.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Author: Katie Stewart Wellness


  • 1 lb. grass-fed sirloin cut into thin strips*
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • ½ cup coconut aminos or wheat-free tamari
  • ½ cup raw honey
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp arrowroot starch
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 3-4 garlic cloves finely minced
  • 1 large onion thinly sliced
  • ¼ cup fresh ginger finely minced
  • 4 large carrots julienned
  • 3 bell peppers thinly sliced

Optional garnish:

  • Green onions
  • Sesame seeds


  • Place beef strips into a bowl.
  • In a second bowl, combine the broth, tamari, honey, apple cider vinegar, and arrowroot starch. (I used my blender on high).
  • Pour the marinade mixture until just covering the beef. Reserve the remaining liquid for later use (I poured it into a mason jar).
  • Let the beef marinate for 30 minutes (or longer if you have the time).
  • In the meantime, heat coconut oil over medium heat. Sauté the vegetables about 10 minutes before you take the beef out. Remove from pan and set aside.
  • Take beef out of marinade and discard the leftover liquid.
  • In the same pan, sear beef strips on each side then add vegetables back to the pan with the extra marinade. Cook until marinade thickens - about 3-5 mins.
  • Remove from heat and garnish with green onion and sesame seeds, if desired.
  • Serve immediately.


It’s easier to get thin strips when the beef is half thawed. Place back in the fridge until needed for cooking.


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Before & Afters

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I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love

