The KSW Blog

July 26, 2023

S01 E08 – The Right Way to Test for Acne Root Causes

S01 E08 – The Right Way to Test for Acne Root Causes

Dealing with stubborn acne — super frustrating. Especially when you’ve tried everything under the sun to clear it up… like elimination diets, skincare products, and meds.

That’s why we’re a big supporter of “Test. Don’t Guess.” So we know exactly what’s happening under the surface of the skin and have a clear path forward. Today, we’re analyzing one of our favourite functional tests for acne and the major misonceptions between functinal tests and traditional blood labs.

In this week’s episode, we discuss…

  • The difference between traditional blood labs and functional tests.
  • Why your blood labs come back “normal” when you feel anything but.
  • Our favourite tests to determine the root cause(s) of our clients’ acne and the order we recommend doing them in.
  • How much more effective acne-clearing protocols are when they’re tailored to you and your imbalances.
  • The role a Hair Trace Mineral Analysis plays in clearing up acne (for good).
  • The importance of having a solid foundation in place before starting therapeutic protocols.
  • Why testing too many things at once and over supplementation is holding back your progress.

Additional Resources

Minerals in the body are involved in almost all enzymatic reactions, metabolic activity, detoxification cycles. They are vital for the effective absorption and proper functioning of nutrients, vitamins, and your symptoms connected to acne.

Cris Brown, RHN / CNE + Chief Programming Officer at KSW Inc.

Key Episode Moments:

  • 00:00:03 – Introduction
  • 00:01:19 – Reasons for Persistent Acne
  • 00:04:14 – Importance of Functional Testing
  • 00:06:51 – Nuances of an HTMA
  • 00:09:57 – Building the Acne Protocol
  • 00:12:57 – Importance of Understanding the Root Cause
  • 00:14:26 – Interpreting Hair Trace Mineral Analysis
  • 00:15:36 – Addressing the Root Cause
  • 00:18:12 – The Benefits of Hair Mineral Analysis
  • 00:20:50 – The Importance of Proper Testing Order
  • 00:26:11 – The Dangers of Over-testing and Over-supplementing
  • 00:27:17 – Saving Money in the Long Run
  • 00:28:34 – The Importance of Testing
  • 00:30:22 – The Benefits of a Dutch Hormone Test
  • 00:38:22 – The Importance of Blood Tests for Acne
  • 00:39:03 – The Use of Hair Trace Mineral Analysis
  • 00:42:38 – Common Threads in Acne Sufferers
  • 00:46:53 – The Link Between Iron and Anemia
  • 00:52:00 – Understanding Cris’s geeky verbiage 
  • 00:53:06 – The importance of balancing minerals
  • 00:53:31 – Actionable tips for improving mineral levels
  • 00:54:52 – The benefits of food rotation
  • 00:56:57 – Summary and key takeaways

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Let's finally get your skin cleared up.

Acne is more than skin deep; it's a signal of internal imbalances. This explains why prescriptions, medicated creams, and high-end facials often fall short. Clearing your skin requires an inside-out approach, and we're dedicated to guiding you every step of the way.



"After a few months, my skin improved significantly."

Now my skin is completely blemish-free, I don’t even have to wear makeup. I don’t even break out around my cycle. I really owe it to Katie for her knowledge, and guidance during this clear skin journey. Thank you, Katie!!

-Jenyne W.

"My scars and blemishes from the past continue to fade."

I'm grateful for the knowledge, strength and support to get current breakouts under control while my body continues to detox and heal.

Laurenne B.

"My skin is definitely consistently good now."

I feel like I didn't know why I would go through good spells before and then terrible breakouts. My energy levels and motivation have also returned. This is all so huge for me.

Sara P.

"I actually enjoy the look of my face with less make-up."

 I use to wear a lot of powder and concealer to cover the break out areas, as well as to hide my scars. Both my breakouts and scars are lessening in amount and redness!!

-Nicole B.

Before & Afters

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love

