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Cashew Butter Stuffed Dates with coconut flakes on an antique white and blue pattern plate.
May 9, 2017

Cashew Butter Stuffed Dates with Coconut Flakes

Cashew Butter Stuffed Dates

Cashew Butter Stuffed Dates are the perfect snack when you’re craving something sweet, but are tight on time. And let’s be serious… Is there anything more divine than a perfectly plump and juicy medjool date? They truly are nature’s candy.

These tasty stuffed dates are perfect to make with little ones too. They’ll love helping slather on creamy cashew butter or sprinkling on the shredded coconut. A healthy treat everyone will love.

Mix It Up

Don’t have cashew butter? There are so many delicious variations you can experiment with for stuffed dates. Both almond and pumpkin seed butter make tasty options. You could also try sprinkling on cacao nibs for a chocolatey crunch or even hemp seeds for a boost of omega-3s.


Medjool dates are full of nutrients. Here’s a quick breakdown of some key nutrients you’ll be enjoying in this stuffed date recipe. I also included a quick example of what the specific nutrient helps with.

  • B-complex vitamins – Energy
  • Magnesium – Muscle spasms
  • Iron – Anemia
  • Potassium (50% more by weight than bananas!) – Nervous System, diarrhea
  • Fibre – Digestive health
  • Vitamin A – Vision
  • Vitamin K – Bone strength

Cashew Butter Stuffed Dates

Sweet and tasty little treats that pack a serious punch of nutrition.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Course: Dessert, Snack
Author: Katie Stewart


  • 6 dates halved and pits removed
  • 2-3 tbsp. cashew butter
  • 1 tsp. unsweetened coconut flakes sulphite free


  • Cut the dates in half and remove the pit
  • Divide the cashew butter up between the dates and slather where the pit once was
  • Sprinkle with coconut flakes and enjoy!


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Before & Afters

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I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

client love



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

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